var logAdsLoad = false; var error_reporting = true; function GetParam(name) { var match = new RegExp(name + "=([^&]+)*", "i").exec(; if (match == null) match = new RegExp(name + "=(.+)", "i").exec(; if (match == null) return null; match = match + ""; console.log('Matching on : '+match); //**convert match to a string result = match.split(","); return decodeURIComponent(result[1]); } function domainStatus(pageOptions, status, ra) { var stat = "caf"; var f = chkf(); if (window.console && window.console.log) { window.console.log(status); window.console.log(pageOptions); if (ra) { window.console.log('requestAccepted'); } } if (typeof status.error_code != "undefined") { stat = "error"; } if ( === true) { stat = "adult"; } if (typeof status.faillisted != "undefined") { stat = "faillist"; } var referrerbase = document.referrer; try { referrerbase = parent.document.referrer; } catch (e) { } var schan = GetParam('schannel'); var vchan = ''; if(schan > 0){ vchan = '&schannel='+schan; } var acqid = null; acqid = GetParam('acqid'); var acq_query = ''; if(acqid){ acq_query = '&acqid='+acqid; } if (((f.d_h == 1 && f.d_w == 1) || (f.d_h == 30 && f.d_w == 100)) && f.u_his == 100) { // Semalt Crap! } else { var a = "/status.php?domain=" + pageOptions.domainName + "&trackingtoken=" + pageOptions.vdToken + "&status=" + stat + "&u_his=" + f.u_his + "&u_h=" + f.u_h + "&u_w=" + f.u_w + "&d_h=" + f.d_h + "&d_w=" + f.d_w + "&u_top=" + f.u_top + "&u_left=" + f.u_left + vchan + acq_query + "&http_referrer=" + encodeURIComponent(referrerbase); //+"&refuri="+ encodeURIComponent(window.location.href); var b = document.createElement("iframe"); b.setAttribute("src", a); b.setAttribute("width", 0); b.setAttribute("height", 0); = "none"; document.body.appendChild(b); } //r peters = 'block' } function cafCallback(requestAccepted, status) { if (requestAccepted) { try { if (status.feed == 'afs' && status.query != '') { // WS Results //view_ws_results($('#ws_results'), 10, ''); } if (window.console && window.console.log) { console.log('requestAccepted in cafCallback'); console.log(pageOptions); } domainStatus(pageOptions, status, true); } catch (e) { if (window.console && window.console.log) { console.log(e); } } } else { var errcode = (typeof status.error_code != "undefined") ? status.error_code : 0; logError('ERROR CODE', errcode); domainStatus(pageOptions, status, false); if (window.console && window.console.log) { console.log(status); console.log(pageOptions); } if (! && pageOptions.pubId.indexOf('adult') !== -1) { if (window.console && window.console.log) { console.log('Client/Type MisMatch!!!!'); } //status.error_code = 221; } switch (status.error_code) { case 223: case 222: case 221: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: var newstat = (pageOptions.pubId.indexOf('adult') !== -1) ? 'clean' : 'adult'; if (window.console && window.console.log) { console.log('Client/Type MisMatch'); console.log(pageOptions.pubId + ' to ' + newstat); } window.location = "/?ado=" + newstat; break; // 207, 239, 240 case 207: case 239: case 240: window.location = "/cf.php"; break; case 225: // Redirect to HTML feed. //window.location.replace("" + pageOptions.pubId + "&domain_name=" + pageOptions.domainName + "&output=html&drid=" + pageOptions.domainRegistrant); window.location = "/mdt.php?domain="+ pageOptions.domainName +"&drid=" + pageOptions.domainRegistrant +"&tt="+pageOptions.vdToken+"&errorredirect="+status.error_code+"&ignorecheck=1"; break; default: // Failover // 241 Invalid DRID if (window.console && window.console.log) { console.log('Failover'); console.log(pageOptions.pubId + ' ' + typeof status.error_code); } window.location = "/sf.php"; break; } } } function adsLoad(containerName, adsLoaded) { if (adsLoaded) { // All is well } else { switch (containerName) { case "afs_bottom_ads": case "afs_top_ads": case "dynads": // Failover //window.location = "/sf.php"; //break; } if (logAdsLoad) { // Log Them logError(containerName, 0); } } } function chkf() { var a = {}; if (window.screen) a.u_h = window.screen.height, a.u_w = window.screen.width; var doc = window.document; if (typeof window.innerWidth === 'number') { a.d_w = window.innerWidth; a.d_h = window.innerHeight; } else if (doc.documentElement !== undefined && doc.documentElement.clientWidth !== undefined && doc.documentElement.clientWidth !== 0) { a.d_w = doc.documentElement.clientWidth; a.d_h = doc.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (doc.body !== undefined && doc.body.clientWidth !== undefined) { a.d_w = doc.body.clientWidth; a.d_h = doc.body.clientHeight; } else { a.d_w = ''; a.d_h = ''; } if (typeof window.screenLeft === 'number') { a.u_top = window.screenTop; a.u_left = window.screenLeft; } else if (window.screenX !== undefined) { a.u_top = window.screenY; a.u_left = window.screenX; } else { a.u_top = ''; a.u_left = ''; } a.u_his = window.history.length; return a; } function view_ws_results(jobj, num_ads, feedback_url) { var html = ''; try { if (num_ads < 5) { num_ads = 5; } $.ajaxSetup({cache: false}); // turn off ie caching $.getJSON('/websearch.php', {q: GetParam('query'), max: num_ads}, function (data) { $.ajaxSetup({cache: true}); if (data && data.results.length > 0) { html = '
'; $.each(data.results, function (idx, r) { html += build_ws(r); }); html += '
'; jobj.html(html); jobj.find('li:first').addClass('first'); jobj.find('li:last').addClass('last'); jobj.find('ul').prepend('
Search Results'); } }); } catch (e) { console.log("view_ws Error:" + e); } } function build_ws(ad) { var tm = GetParam('query'); html = ''; html += '
' + gpolicify(tm, ad.title) + '
'; html += '' + gpolicify(tm, ad.description); html += ''; html += ''; html += gpolicify(tm, ad.url) + '
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